My inquiry question is "Where is a manatee on the marine food web?". So far I have found that manatees and dudongs are among the only mammals to eat mostly plants. I say mostly because sometimes when manatees are eating sea grass, they sometimes accidentally slurp up snails that are living in the sea grass. This gives the manatees extra protein. Sometimes manatees are mistaken for mermaids! -Chapin
This week is Sea Week! The slogan is One Ocean It Start`s With Me. I think this means if nobody act`s quickly and helps to clean up and keep the ocean in a tidy state then the ocean will become a polluted lifeless place. We all have to do our bit, don`t wait start now!!! By Sophie!
We brainstormed what we knew about the ocean. Everyone wrote down something they knew. Bundling The ideas were photocopied and, in our desk groups, we sorted the ideas into catergories that belonged together. We had to think of three headings for the ideas.
We Wrote Arguments About Dropping Too Much Litter In Our School
We Shared The Arguments In Assembly
Term 1 Inquiry Presentations
Welcome! On this blog the students of Room 1 Macandrew Bay School will publish their Inquiry work. We hope you enjoy reading about questions they have and findings from their research.